Sunday 24 April 2016

Optional Papers of PMS/CSS exams

Optional Papers.

Optional papers is the most important area of the examination because these are subjects which yield higher marks and tell upon on your overall result. Therefore the candidates should select the subjects after due deliberation. How to make the choice in the selection of optional papers is indeed a technical and tricky area. The candidates are advised to keep in mind the following points in the selection of optional papers.

Scoring trends. This is a total misconception and must altogether be discarded by the candidates having a sense of competition. In other words there is no scoring trend at all, rather it is your had work which will turn a subject into marks yielding one. you must have observed that all the candidates who go through the competitive examinations opt for  subjects which they have never studied before in their academic career, yet the successful candidates turn them into marks yielding... therefore there is no such things as scoring trend rather the hard work which matters.

 Interest of the candidates. The choice must be made on the basis of your interest in the subjects. Whatever area is of your interest do opt for. It is not necessary whether you have read the subject in your academic career or not.
Selection of materials. Do select quality materials but it is advisable not to go for too many books, for a single subject maximum two quality books are enough. Books should be preferred to notes for a comprehensive approach to the topic.

Single papers. It is advisable to opt for single (carrying 100 marks). In papers of 200 marks candidates sometimes lose the principle of balance, and their skewed approach affects one of the papers.

Relative advantages:   some subjects give relative advantages. The materials you study for one paper can be helpful in others as well. For example Indo Pak history, especially its second part is helpful in Pakistan affairs.
For paper presentation, keep visiting the page.


For critical study of topics please click on the following links.


Political issues of Pakistan.

Thursday 21 April 2016

Gudelines for PMS,CSS candidates

Competitive examinations require certain techniques, a strategy and skillful approach more than laborious study. Proper guidance and papers-oriented study are key to success otherwise one's effort may turn into a leap in the dark. Keeping in view the pattern of the papers, and contents of the past examinations, the News and Analysis team in collaboration with the experienced PMS Officers and CSPs has prepared the following package of guidance and tips for the aspirants of the competitive examinations.
Subjects in the examinations.
The subjects are broadly categorized into two: The compulsory and the optional subjects. The compulsory part include: (each carrying 100 marks. =600)
1.English Essay
2.Precise and composition
3.Everyday Science
4.Current Affairs.
5.Pakistan Affairs and

How to score higher and what strategy is to be followed.
1.    English Essay. This is indeed a difficult paper and most of the candidates flunk the same in the examination. But have you ever thought that why it is so, the answer is simple that there are no hard and fast rules of essay except the general guidelines which are to be followed.
a) Discourse of the topic. The first thing which all the candidates must inculcate is the very discourse of the given topic. It is the primary requirement if it was misunderstood the whole essay will lose its purpose. Once the discourse of the topic is understood, then proceed to the structure of the essay.
b) Outline: The next step is to outline the topic, categories your ideas about the topic keeping in view the requirements of the discourse, if the discourse demands arguments for and against, or your suggestions, outline them. The outline should be clear and simple, showing a clear introduction, climax leading to conclusion.
c) Transition: Transition is an essential element of the essay, which implies that there should be a logical development in your thoughts which must be shown in the paragraphs, one paragraphs must lead your reader to the next without any confusion. All the paragraphs must be logically linked with one another.
d) Conclusion. Your conclusion must be brief yet a "comprehensive" sketch of the whole ideas you have discussed in your essay. Do remember there should not be anything new in your conclusion which you introduce at this stage, rather wind up the things you have already introduced.
e)Diction.  DO KEEP IN MIND that simplicity of diction is one of the tools which can secure credit from the examiner. Do avoid difficult words and uncommon structures. Refrain from Shakespearean diction and Lyly's structure. Put your ideas in the simplest words and plain structure.
f) Quotations, references and statistics: it better to put some quotations but not too much. Put the quotations with references. Give references of the known reports and surveys, and famous organizations like UNO, EU, Transparency International, Amnesty International etc.

2.    Précis and composition.
a) Grammar: It includes basics of English grammar, such as parts of the speech, tenses, change of voices and narrations. All of them are somewhat familiar areas yet a good book of grammar may be helpful for revision.
b) Précis: A brief but convincing summary of an unseen paragraph is to be written. The candidates must thoroughly read the paragraph and then put the central idea of the paragraph in their own words, try to minimize borrowing of words from the original. Do not write examples, references and your own thoughts. The candidates must practice making précis of one paragraph daily.
c) Usage: In this part the candidates are required to use some vocabulary items or idioms in sentences or produce their meaning (as the case may be). Try to write shortest possible sentences.
d) Comprehension. An unseen paragraph is given with questions at the end to supply answer for them. Candidates must read the paragraph between the lines and then produce the answers in their own words; the ideas must those mentioned in the paragraph.
e) Expansion. A short topic ,usually a quotation is given, which needs to be expanded. All the rules of the essay apply to this except the length. Example 1( Solitude)  ,Example 2( Quotation)
f) Translation:  In the new syllabus of CSS a short Urdu passage needs to be translated into English.

3.    Everyday science.
This is one of the high score yielding subjects among the compulsory, but needs technical approach. One should thoroughly study the basics of  biology ,physics, and chemistry. it is advisable to study the metric and Fsc level books of the said subjects. The candidates should memorize the scientific units, abbreviations and scientific instruments. In addition earth science, environmental issues, computer and IT and the currents developments in these sectors must be studied.

4.    Islamyat:
Most of the candidates flunk this paper as well. It is due to their traditional view regarding Islamyat. They take Islmayat as a paper in which one is supposed to write everything that seem good and involves didacticism, which is indeed a faulty approach. Islamyat on the forum of competitive examination needs familiarity with the Islamic history, sources of Islamic law and fundamentals of Muslim jurisprudence. Exaggeration is discouraged in all the papers and Islamyat is no exception in this regard.
5.    Pakistan affairs.
 This paper is divided into two parts. First, freedom movement and the events and personages pertaining thereto, and social and religious reformers ( Sir sayed , Sheikh Ahmad sirhindi and Shah Waliullah in particular).Major constitutional packages introduced in the colonial era.
secondly, the post- partition era which involves constitutional developments from Objective Resolution to the constitution of 1956. A critical history of economic and political developments and military regimes . Social problems of Pakistan, Pakistan's role in the regional and international issues, current political trends and political parties.

6.    Current affairs:
  Candidates are advised to stay focused on national political and economic issues. Regional and international politics, globalization and its aspects and impacts. International organizations, and major issues of middle East and Afghanistan .In addition the structure and operational procedure of organizations like UNO,EU,SAARC and OIC are important. Make a critical and comprehensive approach to the topic, explore all the possible aspects of a topic. For example


Note: keep visiting the page for tips and tricks for the optional papers of the examination.

Political issues of Pakistan.